We pride ourselves on having thoroughly organized programs to give your child the thorough Christian upbringing they deserve. Below we have organizational materials to help us and to help you. We have worked long and hard to develop the programs we have today. Please download our handbooks below in Anchorage, AK.
In addition to expanding their minds, our teachers will help your children develop large and small muscle coordination and physical skills through games, puzzles, tools, paints, clays, crayons, and other manipulative equipment. They’ll also be able to enjoy activities that allow them to build, carry, climb, lift, push, swing, run, and jump.
Get information or ask for professional advice – call our team at 907-522-9034.
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Contact Information
Phone: 907-522-9034
Email: Morningstar8220@gmail.com
Address: 8220 Briarwood St Anchorage, Alaska 99518
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